
Data Encryption and Transmission Process

Encrypting Event Data

  • AES Encryption: Once an event is triggered, the data is immediately encrypted using the dynamically generated AES key. AES provides a strong encryption layer, effectively turning the data into an unreadable format for anyone without the key.
  • Efficiency and Security: We have optimized the encryption process to ensure that it is both secure and efficient, minimizing the impact on system performance and user experience.

Encrypting AES Key with RSA Public Key

  • Secure Key Wrapping: After encrypting the event data with AES, the AES key itself is then encrypted using the RSA public key. This process is known as key wrapping. It ensures that the AES key can be securely transmitted along with the encrypted data.
  • Data Transmission: The encrypted event data and the wrapped AES key are sent together to our server. The use of RSA encryption for the AES key ensures that even if the transmission is intercepted, the AES key remains secure.

Transmission Security

  • Secure Channels: All data transmissions occur over secure, encrypted channels, such as TLS/SSL, adding an additional layer of security to the data in transit.
  • Integrity and Authenticity: To ensure the integrity and

Data Decryption Process

Server-Side Decryption

  • Decryption Using RSA Private Key: Upon receiving the encrypted data and the wrapped AES key, our server first uses the RSA private key to decrypt the AES key. This process is securely executed within our controlled server environment, ensuring that the RSA private key is never exposed.
  • AES Decryption of Event Data: With the AES key now decrypted, it is used to decrypt the event data. This two-step decryption process ensures that the event data remains protected throughout its journey from the client to our servers.

Ensuring Data Integrity

  • Verification Checks: Post decryption, integrity checks are performed on the event data to ensure that it has not been tampered with during transmission. This is crucial for maintaining the trustworthiness and reliability of the data.

Performance and Scalability

Impact on System Performance

  • Optimized Encryption/Decryption: While encryption can add processing overhead, our system is optimized to minimize performance impact. This ensures that data encryption and decryption occur swiftly, maintaining a seamless user experience.
  • Load Testing and Optimization: Regular load testing is conducted to ensure our system can handle high volumes of data without significant performance degradation.

Scalability Considerations

  • Handling Increased Load: Our system is designed to scale with increased data loads. This scalability is crucial as our client base grows and the volume of data requiring encryption increases.
  • Adaptability to Future Enhancements: We continuously monitor advancements in encryption technology to ensure our system remains state-of-the-art. This includes potential updates to our RSA and AES implementations to accommodate growing security and performance needs.